These five Android apps can hack and empty your bank accounts: do you have them on your phone?


So far, five Android apps have been identified and red-flagged by Threat Fabric as top recommendations to uninstall from devices immediately. Let’s take a look at five malicious apps that we suggest you uninstall without a second thought.

These 5 Android apps are very dangerous

According to the report, the named apps The file manager is small, Light, My Finance Tracker, Jetter authentication, Tax Code 2022And Recover audio, images & videos They have been identified as Trojan infected and if you are using these apps, it is better to uninstall them immediately.

While the first two apps have around 1,000 downloads on the Google Play Store, the other three have more than 100,000 downloads each, which is pretty daunting to say the least.

These Five Android Apps Can Hack and Empty Your Bank Accounts: Are They on Your Phone?” The mode of distribution of Android banking Trojans is very dangerous because victims may remain unsuspecting for a long time and may not alert their bank about suspicious transactions. It was done without their knowledge. Therefore, it is important to take steps on the part of the organization to detect such malicious apps and their payloads as well as suspicious behavior taking place on the customer’s device,” he said. Threat Fabric Report.

So far, countries like US, UK, Australia, Austria, Italy, Germany, Poland and Spain have seen the circulation of this Trojan and chances are high that the Trojan will spread further. So, it is better not to download these apps and if already downloaded, the best solution is to uninstall them and find a suitable replacement app.


Source by 91 Mobiles

Written By Sabhitech

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