5G download speed in India 16.5 times faster than 4G: Report


5G downloads/uploads speed in India

In India, 5G users recorded a remarkable average mobile speed of 242.1Mbps, which is 16.5 times faster than the 14.7Mbps experienced with 4G, according to the report. The increase from 4G to 5G in peak download speeds — the average speed enjoyed by the top 2 percent of users — is similarly impressive. The highest download speed for 5G in India is 690.6Mbps, which is 11.6 times higher than the maximum download speed for 4G.

Compared to 4G services, 5G has provided better average upload speed to users. However, compared to the download speed, there is a small proportional increase. Upload rates on 5G are 5.4 times faster than 4G, averaging 21.2Mbps.

5G Speeds in India: Video Streaming, Multiplayer Gaming

When connected to 5G, users in India experienced ‘Very Good’ (65-75) video streaming. Compared to 5G, the 4G video experience scored ‘Fair’ (40-55), two categories worse. Mobile multiplayer gaming users in the country had a better experience with 5G than 4G, the report said. Users had a ‘fair’ (65-75) gaming experience when connected to 5G, scoring 67.9 (on a 100-point scale). However, this is reduced to ‘Full’ (40-65) when connected to 4G.

5G services in India

India’s long-awaited 5G spectrum auction was completed in August 2022 and Prime Minister Narendra Modi officially launched 5G services on October 1 of that year. Only two of India’s three major telecom providers are now offering 5G services. Using non-standalone access (NSA) technology, Airtel was the first to make a commercial entry. Jio, in contrast, has chosen to deploy 5G Independent Access (SA) and is currently the only Indian operator using the 700 MHz band (5G low-band spectrum).


Source by 91 Mobiles

Written By Sabhitech

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